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What to Eat with Your Sauerkraut: Delicious NZ Pairings for Every Meal

by Amber Fairweather |

Why we think naturally fermented sauerkraut is the perfect addition to any meal or snack!

Sauerkraut is a European ferment with cabbage as its core ingredient. It's versatile, tangy, and extremely rich in probiotics, containing up to 28 different strains, making it a "top-lister" among fermented foods!

Consuming a diverse range in probiotic bacteria are fantastic for your health and may contribute to improved gut health. 

If you’re wondering how to make it or just want to taste it, you’re in the right place! Symbiota not only offers a delicious naturally fermented sauerkraut for those who prefer convenience but also provides everything you need to make it at home, using our gorgeous fermenting crocks saving you money.

We often get asked, "But how do you eat it?" or "What do you eat it with?" Here’s our guide to the best sauerkraut pairings in NZ!

How to eat sauerkraut?

1. Pair Sauerkraut with Any Sausage Sizzle!

Sauerkraut's natural tanginess pairs deliciously with the world-famous NZ sausage sizzle! It’s the perfect combination with the rich, savory sausage taste and those onions that originally drew you in. And if you’re trying to get the kids to improve their gut health, this is the perfect Kiwi meal to sneak a little sauerkraut into—just tuck it under the sausage so they can’t see!

2. The Kiwi Kumara Kraut Combo

What Kiwi doesn’t love a good kumara? We love roasted kumara paired with the sour notes of tangy sauerkraut. These two go perfectly in a roasted kumara salad with a little drizzle of balsamic reduction—yum!

3. Seafood Sauerkraut Sensation

Looking for something to cut through the richness of seafood while adding balance? Sauerkraut is your buddy! Pair it with NZ fish recipes, Kiwi seafood dishes, grilled salmon, smoked fish, or even as a topping on any seafood dish.

4. Elevate Your Sandwiches and Burgers

Sauerkraut is a classic addition to sandwiches and burgers. Add it to your favorite beef, lamb, or plant-based burger for an extra layer of flavor and crunch. Sauerkraut also works well in Reuben sandwiches or as a topping for pastrami, corned beef, or even a simple cheese toastie. Heard of Reuben sandwiches? It ain’t a Reuben without sauerkraut. Did I mention sauerkraut on that cheese toastie? Yum!

5. Cheese, Cheese, and More Sauerkraut!

We all love a great grazing platter made up of the best NZ cheeses! Adding sauerkraut to your cheese board elevates it to a new high! Sauerkraut pairs perfectly with a selection of brie, camembert, cream cheese, blue cheese, and really any other cheese. Use it as a topping/relish, or mix it through the cream cheese or cottage cheese.

6. Balance with Barley and Grains

Sauerkraut pairs smoothly with any grain-based dish. Whether it's high-protein quinoa, bulgur wheat, or barley, sauerkraut is a great addition to any hot meal or grain salad.

7. Tasty Sauerkraut and Potato Combos

This has to be my favorite—a match made in heaven! Sauerkraut and mashed potatoes are the perfect introductory meal to sneak sauerkraut into. If you’re trying to get your child to eat sauerkraut, this is the meal to start with. Simply add only ½ teaspoon of the juice mixed through the mash. Slowly increase this amount to 1 tablespoon until you are mixing a teaspoon of the actual kraut in. If mash isn’t your thing, try it with any potato dish.

8. Craft a Kiwi-Style Sauerkraut Salad

Sauerkraut can be mixed into any salad. Our favorite is small salad leaves, grated carrot, sliced pear, rocket, blue cheese, toasted seeds, and, of course, some sauerkraut! And if you need a bit more sustenance, add roasted kumara.


Not only can sauerkraut be eaten straight out of the jar while hovering in the “V” between the open fridge door and the fridge, but it can also be incorporated into almost any meal. Sauerkraut is extremely versatile and loaded with probiotics. It adds a great burst of flavor and may contribute to improved gut health as well.