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Christmas Fermented Mince Meat recipe

by Hannah Geddes |

Christmas Fermented Mincemeat Fruit

Homemade fermented mincemeat is more than just a pie filling. It is a savory sugar-free treat that can make your Christmas holiday a memorable one.

In this recipe, we did not include the extra fats commonly added to substitute meat in modern mincemeat. This method is purely vegan as it consists of dried fruits and nuts. Here’s how to prepare it.


  • One cup chopped dates
  • One three quarter cup raisins
  • Three quarter cup currents
  • One zested and juiced orange
  • Half cup chopped walnuts
  • One or two grated apples
  • Quarter teaspoon of nutmeg
  • One teaspoon of cinnamon
  • Quarter teaspoon ground cloves
  • One teaspoon ground ginger

Finishing Options

  • Four tablespoons of brandy
  • Six tablespoons of culture (e.g cultured apple cider vinegar, kombucha tea, etc.)


  • Mix all the ingredients in a large bowl with the exception of brandy.
  • Mix in four tablespoons of cultured liquid.
  • Place the mincemeat into a one litre (quart) jar for fermenting.
  • Press down the fruit to squeeze out all the air.
  • Add the remaining two tablespoons of culture to keep the mixture under the liquid.
  • Press the content down with your glass fermentation weight
  • Seal the jar with an airlock lid
  • Place in a dark room to ferment for 24 hours.
  • Ensure you store in a refrigerator for at least two weeks before use.
  • If you like to add a bit of alcohol, add some brandy to it before serving.
Tips for getting the best out of your mincemeat fruit;
  • When making traditional pie, fill tart shells and bake at 204°C for about 15 - 20 minutes.
  • To get a probiotic tart, precook your tart shells and add a few spoons of mincemeat before serving.
  • Pair with cheddar cheese
  • Use as topping for waffles or ice cream.

Never forget that your loved one will love a jar of mincemeat as a gift.