What is the difference between flour and organic flour?
Organic flour is a more natural flour in comparison to other commercial flour. It is grown in soils using only natural fertilizers and is not compromised by chemical sprays such as pesticides. It is not artificially or chemically aged either. Non organic flours may be aged through the process of exposing the wheat to artificial chemicals such as benzoyl peroxide and chlorine gas. This is also used in the bleaching processes of many flours as well. Bromated flours which have higher elasticity and are popular for their higher rises in commercial baking, are treated with potassium bromate. It has been suggested that potassium bromate may be a carcinogen in humans as it has been shown to cause thyroid, gastrointestinal and kidney cancer in animals.
Organic flours avoid these additives and additionally are not altered by having its germ and bran removed. Regular flours often have their wheat germ and bran removed. Organic grains can absorb more nutrients from the soils and may be better for our bodies in terms of processing carbohydrates and regulating blood sugar.
Do organic flours taste better?
What we have found from customer feedback and reviews, is that organic flours are definitely noticeably different in sourdough baking to regular flours. At Symbiota we have noticed that our sourdough starters are far more robust and active when being fed organic flours, hence our choice (along with the health of it) to feed them only organic flours.
Some bakers say they can even taste the difference. This is definitely true if you have ever tasted that chemical taste in commercially baked breads. It makes sense that organic flours taste better as they go through natural aging processes and are not exposed to artificial chemicals and altered in nature. This results in accentuating the natural grain flavor.
Is organic flour easier to digest?
Organic sprouted flours are the easiest for our guts to digest. Sprouted flour is known for its highly nutritious values as it is harvested during its peak moment of growth or sprouting. Much like our organic sprouts which offer huge amounts of nutritional value. Sprouted flours include spelt, amaranth, sorghum, rye and corn.
Is organic flour gluten-free?
While organic wheat flour is not gluten-free, there are organic gluten-free flours available. These flours may include buckwheat, white or brown rice, sorghum, millet and quinoa flour.
Which flour is best for gut health?
Organic flours will always be better as they avoid any artificial chemicals and sprays throughout their life cycle. Organic flours are also naturally aged, holding more nutritional value and arguably taste.
Does organic flour contain glyphosate?
100% organic flour should never have any contaminations of chemicals such as glyphosate, synthetic fertilizer and synthetic pesticides.
What flour to avoid?
In an ideal world, it is always best to avoid foods and flours that have been physically or chemically altered. Unfortunately, much of modern day produce has been exposed to artificial fertilizers and chemicals such as herbicide/ pesticides. Given this, it is best to strive for organic foods where possible. That includes our flour.
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