Skyr Yogurt Starter Culture
What is Skyr Yogurt?
Skyr yogurt is a traditional Icelandic dairy product known for its creamy, thick texture and rich flavor once strained. This unique yogurt is slightly sour and tangy, often likened to Greek yogurt, making it a favorite among yogurt enthusiasts. Once fermented it has the consistency of a thick, almost curd like yoghurt which can be eaten as is or strained to make the thick creamy Skyr yogurt like store-bought Skyr.
Authentic Icelandic Skyr Yogurt Starter Culture
Our Skyr Yogurt Starter Culture is derived from traditional Icelandic skyr, ensuring an authentic taste and texture that rivals the best store-bought brands. With its velvety consistency, once strained, skyr is perfect for topping with fruits and granola or using as the base for dips.
Health Benefits of Skyr Yogurt
Skyr is packed with probiotics, which support gut health and overall well-being. Additionally, it is a high-protein dairy product, making it a nutritious choice for those seeking to add more protein to their diet.
Step-by-Step Instructions:
- Heat Milk: Heat milk to 100°C and then let it cool to 43°C.
- Add Starter Culture: Add the Skyr Yogurt Starter Culture and stir thoroughly.
- Incubate: Incubate the mixture between 40-43°C for 5-24 hours until it has fermented and thickened. It will naturally have small curds
- Chill: Chill in the refrigerator for a few hours before serving.
- For extra thick skyr yogurt, strain it through a cheese or nut milk bag for 3-5 hours after step 3. If you are straining for a long tome, strain it in the fridge. The whey will drain out, while reserving a thick creamy yogurt. Rennet can be used if you prefer to create more defined curds and whey.
Reculturing Skyr Yogurt
To reculture skyr yogurt, simply reserve some yogurt from your last batch to start a new batch. One tablespoon of skyr yogurt will culture one cup of fresh milk at 40°C, allowing you to enjoy a continuous supply of homemade skyr yogurt.
What Do I Receive with My Purchase?
- 4 tablespoons of Skyr culture (or the equivalent dried if chosen)
- Recipe, instructions, and aftersales support
Please use an urban address where possible. Live cultures are couriered out on Mondays and Tuesdays.

Skyr Yogurt Starter Culture