Organic Gluten-free Sourdough Starter Kit
What is gluten-free sourdough bread?
Gluten-free sourdough bread is a type of bread that is made without wheat flour. Instead, it is made with alternative flour such as rice flour, quinoa flour, buckwheat flour or other gluten-free flour. Sourdough bread is made by allowing wild yeast and lactic acid bacteria to ferment the dough, creating a unique sour flavor. Gluten-free sourdough is a great alternative to regular wheat-based sourdough and can be enjoyed by those with gluten sensitivities.
We feed our GF sourdough starter a combination of brown rice flour, buckwheat, and potato starch so it is already used to a variety of GF flours; making it quick to adapt to its new environment in your house. Gluten-free starters do best when primarily fed organic brown rice flour.
How to make gluten-free sourdough?
Although there a 1000's of recipes online to follow. Basically, GF Sourdough requires a gluten-free starter, gluten-free flour (or a mixture of GF flours) and water.
Each kit comes with a gluten-free sourdough recipe which requires psyllium husk, potato starch or millet, brown rice flour. We also have buckwheat flour if you'd like to use this as a substitute (it yields a more sour loaf).
What does my GF starter Kit Include?
- Gluten-free sourdough starter culture
- 1L Symbiota Glass Jar
- Elasticated cotton top
- Stainless lid
- Recipe, Instructions and aftersales support
- Baking with gluten-free sourdough starters can be more challenging than glutenous sourdough. If you require support, please email us.
- Please use an urban address where possible.
- Live cultures are couriered out on Mondays & Tuesdays to avoid delays.

Organic Gluten-free Sourdough Starter Kit
Starter is going great followed instructions So all is good. Have made 3 loaves so far. Thanks for a good product
Bug going well, first trial, couldn't even feed to the birds, I think I know what I did wrong so will try again. Love the presentation of the goods received.
The packaging wasn’t the greatest. I think half of it was left in the bag. For the price it should actually come with some flour to feed it. For what you get it’s extremely over priced. Shipping was fast tho.
Hi Sarah, sorry to hear this was not the best experience for you. We do outline all inclusions in the listing so the customer knows exactly what they are purchasing. Please let us know a little more on the packaging issue, so we can fully understand what you mean and act on this. Thank you for taking the time to place feedback. Kind regards, Amber
I’m satisfied
I didn’t know that my starter needed to be used within two days
Maybe it needed to be clearer for not so bright people like me
Hi Luana
We are sorry to hear of these challenges. When selecting your choice of culture (live vs dried) it does outline the timeframe within which they should be used. This is also included in the information sheet that is sent with the sourdough culture. Please feel free to contact us for any help at any time. Kind regards, Symbiota